Carter the Great!
Charles Carter toured internationally with a show of supreme scale in the Golden Era of magic puzzling and perplexing your not so distant ancestors. His appearances were accompanied not only by a full cast of assistants but also trains full of illusions and a famed lion. This dynamic lithograph was printed in 1926, the year following the founding of our very own Tannen’s Magic. The accompanying photograph of Carter in Egypt, from the Egyptian Hall/Mike Caveney collection, was sent by Carter to the poster artists as inspiration.
Carter certainly would never have guessed that almost one hundred years later it’d be hanging as a focal point in a magic shop in New York City. The poster resides just behind the Tannen’s display counter where magic is demonstrated daily. From his position on the camel, Carter sees not the magic performed but the faces of amazement on those who witness mysteries, just as he did in his life.