VANISH Magazine August
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Issue 21:
- From the Editor by Paul Romhany
- Bamboozlers by Diamond Jim Tyler
- SD Card Mystery by Butzi, Magicien
- Quiz Show by Danny Archer
- Confused About Counts? by Randy Wakeman
- Business Cards by Richard Webster
- Band Thru Finger by Josh Janousky
- Throwing Shade by Jonathan Friedman
- ESPrognostication by Pablo Amira
- Farm Fresh by Louie Foxx
- News by Nick Lewin
- Playing Card Glut? by Aaron Fisher
- Shin Lim - The Road to Success by Paul Romhany
- Card Artistry of Lee Allen by Paul Romhany
- Magic and Social Media by Nick Lewin
- Ten Little Secrets by Timothy Hyde
- Red Hot Acts by Nick Lewin
- The Bash - Save This Date by Nicole Lee
- Chamber of Secrets by Matthew Wright
- Plateaus by Bizzaro
- Adventures of a Romany - Diva of Magic by Romany
- Television - Magic's Friend or Foe? by Jeff Hobson
- Zelda the Psychic Chicken by Ted Outerbridge
- The Illusion Fabrication Series by Ray Lum
- Brainstorming With Majinx by Lawrence Larouche
- Married in Magic by Matthew Fallon
- Bachstage - Epic Fails in Magic Part 3 by Charles Bach
- Magic Reviews by Paul Romhany and Friends