VANISH Magazine August
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Issue 9:
- From the Editor by Paul Romhany
- News by Nick Lewin
- Zip Your Generation Gap by Aaron Smith
- Ten Little Secrets by Timothy Hyde
- Building Magic - A Film About the Magician on Kickstarter
- Our Life Changing Experience by Trevor and Lorena Watters
- Marvelous Matthew Wright by Paul Romhany
- Mark Wilson Interview Part 2 by Nick Lewin
- A Rare Opportunity by Paul Gross
- What I Learned From Mark and Nani by Steve Spill
- Mentalism: An Adventure in Mysticism by P. Craig Browning
- Imaginary Circumstances by Joey Pipia
- Jeff McBride's Magic and Mystery School - Magic? Why? by Tobias Beck
- Our Magic Revisited by Ben Robinson
- Don Guy - Bringing Magic to Light by Chipper Lowell
- Nick Lewin Presents... Jason Andrews. Taking it to, and From, the Competition
- The Success Series - Back to Basics by Cris Johnson
- Bachstage - Routining Your Illusions: Running Gags, Catch Phrases, and More... by Charles Bach
- Magic on TV by Peter Mennie
- Child's Play - Competing in Children's Magic Competitions by Tony Chris
- Nickle Van Wormer Presents Brick and Mortar Shops
- From the Desk of Keith Fields - Where Do You Stand?
- The Key to Professional Magic - Real Secrets? by Adam Milgate
- Magic Tricks You Can Perform
- The Dagger Chest by Rey Ben & Quique Marduk
- Bamboozlers by Diamond Jim Tyler
- Sense of Touch by Steve Friedberg
- The Pancake Switch by Andrew Stark
- The Key to 7 Keys of Baldpate by Danny Archer
- The Liar by Christopher Taylor
- Kiss Me Fate by TC Tahoe
- Phoney Pad by Wayne Rogers
- The Nexus Effect by Richard Webster
- Ink (Paper to Money) by Wolfgang Riebe
- Secret Recipes With Bro Gilbert
- Tech Talk by Carl Andrews
- Change Comes From Your Pocket by Bizzaro
- Lorena Watters the Magic Assistant by Gwyn Auger
- Magic Reviews by Paul Romhany and Friends
- Magic in the Movies - Rantings of a Comedy Magician by Chipper Lowell
- How to Perform and Work Internationally by Leif David
- Pro Problem Solving - Just in Case by Dean Hankey and Errin Hogan
- Cinematic Titanic Review by Ben Robinson