VANISH Magazine August
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Issue 27:
- Ed's Note by Paul Romhany
- Product Spotlight - COIN by Eric Chien
- Bamboozlers by Diamond Jim Tyler
- Easy Magic for Beginners by David Penn and Sean Heydon
- Card Gaffing by Jeremy Hanrahan
- Daley's Oddity by Fritz Alkemade
- Pass the Torch by Thom Peterson
- Prediction by George by Scott Olgard
- True Love's Test by Luke Jonas
- Two Routines - Sticky and Fail Safe by Morgan Strebler
- John Carey's Wired by John Carey
- Gobs of Guessin' by Louie Foxx
- Show on the Go by Josh Janousky
- Pac-Timus Prime by Donny Orbit
- Humanistic Performance by Pablo Amirá
- News by Nick Lewin
- Dimitri Clown - A Remembrance by Ben Robinson
- Bachstage - The Magic of Harry Potter at Universal Studios by Charles Bach
- Bill Abbott's Dream Show Series by Bill Abbott
- Morgan Stebler by Paul Romhany
- Theatre Skills for Magicians - Vocal Development by Ben Whiting
- Ten Little Secrets by Timothy Hyde
- Jekyll And Hyde Set Design by Chris Stolz
- Behind the Scenes: Backstage at Fool Us by Doug Bennett
- McBride Master Class by Romany
- Amsterdam Magic Show by Fritz Alkemade
- Politically Correct: A Way of Life to Entire Generations by Nick Lewin
- Red Hot Act: Caroline Ravn by Paul Romhany
- The Other Side of the Road - The Night the Cards Were Flying by Harrison Carroll
- The Dummy Days of Summer by Jimmy Vee
- Diary of a Nitwit Magician by Steve Warbuton
- Steve Schieszer: The Billy McComb Contento New Generation Card Fountain by Steve Schieszer
- Magic Reviews by Paul Romhany and Friends