Pasteboards (Vol.2 Cardbox) by Rian Lehman - Video DOWNLOAD
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PasteBoards Book 2 Card Box:
Two DIY card box gimmicks. Learn how to construct and utilize two awesome gimmicks.
Make your card box vanish or reappear.
1)Quick Vanish - quickly vanish your box into thin air or within a spread of cards.
2)Dual Box- from a fanned deck immediately re-box the deck or after pulling the deck from the box, magically a box reappears.
Two DIY card box gimmicks. Learn how to construct and utilize two awesome gimmicks.
Make your card box vanish or reappear.
1)Quick Vanish - quickly vanish your box into thin air or within a spread of cards.
2)Dual Box- from a fanned deck immediately re-box the deck or after pulling the deck from the box, magically a box reappears.