VANISH Magazine October
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Issue 4:
- From the Editor by Paul Romhany
- Making News by Danny Archer
- Magician's Crossword Puzzle by Balu the Magician
- Keith Barry by Paul Romhany
- The Magic of Hypnosis by Matthew Fallon
- Ipad Solo Cam by Wayne Rogers
- What's in a Name by Bizzaro
- Bamboozlers by Diamond Jim Tyler
- Stapled to the Max by Tony Binarelli
- The Magic Civil War by Joe Givan
- Last One Standing by Neal Scryer
- Child's Play - Halloween Magic by Tony Chris
- Routining an Illusion Part 1 by Charles Bach
- Sure Fire Prediction by Charles Gauci
- America's Got Talent - Playing the Game by Mark Parker
- How to Succeed on AGT by Tim Ellis
- Magicopolis - Where Magic Meets Business by Adam de la Pena
- About Magicopolis by Steve Spill
- Vampire Slayer by Richard Webster
- The Success Series - Using Rep Systems in Sales! by Cris Johnson
- Spit in a Bag by Banachek
- Magic Reviews by Paul Romhany and Friends
- Nick Lewin Presents... Magicians, Mind Readers & Other Exotic Beings
- Superstars of Magic in Genting, Malaysia Show Report by JC Sum and Magic Ning Babe
- Think Big, Play Big, Win Big! by Lee Alex
- The One Gig I'll Never Forget by Danny Archer
- Income Marketing System for Magicians by Randy Charach
- 7 Days a Week by TC Tahoe
- From the Desk of Keith Fields - Back on the Street Part One
- Sharing Your Magic by Kyle Ravin
- Increasing Your Business by Kyle Peron