Wreckage by Arnel Renegado video DOWNLOAD
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Restore a hole punched, torn and ripped in half playing card instantly and visually!
Wreckage is a gimmick that allows you to restore a hole punched, torn and ripped in half playing card visually. Spectators select a card and put it under their palm, you then introduce a totally damaged card. You drop the ripped card into their hand or onto the table and instantly it restores. Your spectator will be shocked seeing that all of the cards damage has now transferred into their chosen card under their hand. Once you know the secret of WRECKAGE you can simply perform it as a normal torn and restored effect where you show a rip in the half card, drop it and visually restore it. On this project Arnel Renegado will teach you everything you need to know with easy to follow instructions. Get yours now!
Detailed explanation
- Visually restore a card
- A coin vanishes and appears on the gimmicked card
- A prediction in writing visually appear on the gimmicked card
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