Vanish Magazine #98 eBook DOWNLOAD
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Paul Romhany started VANISH in 2011 and is considered the most cutting-edge magazine for magicians in the world. Each issue contains magic tricks, reviews, essays, feature stories and more. Each issue is approx. 100 pages or more.
94 pages
94 pages
- Editorial
- The Adventures of Pokkus
- Looking for Erdanse - Behind the scenes film
- Feature artist Shoot Ogawa
- Martin Lewis Tribute by Nick Lewin
- Doug Bennett Tribute
- Building Your Dream Act by Doug Bennett
- Feature artist - Rachel Wax
- A Squib in the world by Felicity Fields
- Dorothy Dietrich - special award
- Waken by MS Magic
- The Architect of Predictions
- Let's Taco About It - Scripting
- Pool Master - Trick - Patrick Kuffs
- That Way More - Louie Foxx - Trick
- Cool Magic - Dave Attwood
- Maxim - by Loyd Barnes
- Secret Tools and Strategies by Richard Marx
- Boarding Pass by Mariano Goni
- Flame Take by Lukas Hilken
- JDC - Jumob Coin Dropper by Hanson Chien
- Interchange by Gary James