Chick Pan
Regular price $59.00Approximately 5" x 3.25" tall
The performer shows a thin stainless steel pan to which he adds several cooking ingredients. Next he needs a bit of heat, so he warms the contents with the flame of a match.
Ops!..He accidentally ignites the contents causing flames to engulf the interior of the pan. Quick thinking allows him to smother the flames with the lid. After saying a few magical words over the burned contents, he removes the lid only to produce a real live dove or small guinea pig!
Other uses will occur to you. The pan can be used to produce any number of items; cards, flowers, toys, sponge cakes (ask us about our sponge cake inserts), and other living creatures.
Made of the finest polished stainless steel. Will outlast most other pans 20 to 1. No more spoiled performances because your pan has warped out of shape. Our pans are guaranteed to perform for many years without mishap.