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My Best
by J.G. Thompson
The pages of this book contain the best tricks from the best brains in magic - not just any effects, but the best and most jealously guarded originations of over 100 magicians. A compilation consisting of 193 tricks in all branches of magic, contributed by 115 well known professionals as well as amateurs.
Chapter 1: Discoveries & Revelations. 21 Effects.
- The Card Between: Bobo. A card is selected and returned. Two ared are turned face up, the selected card appears between them.
- Dick Tracy Card Trick: Clyde Carny. A card is selected and returned. Five cards are pulled off, the third card appears to be the selected card, but it turns out to be the fifth.
- Kolar Card: J.J. Kolar. Fake card with 1/2 circle, tape and ribbon pulls card out of middle of deck.
- Are You Sure?: Paul Morris. Four jacks are found, but not selected. Then it is discovered among the Jacks.
- Alternative Terminations: Charles Nyquist
- Well, Well! Ned Rutledge. Ace of spades locates a card after an apparent miss.Uses 1 rough & smooth, 1 double side
Chapter 2: Cards In Motion
- A. Transpositions
- Saturn's Card Transposition: Harlan Tarbell. Card changes under rubber banded deck
- Parade of the Lamas: Bruce Elliot. 3 Jokers placed down, tapped with others. They move one at a time to other pile
- B. Flying Pasteboards (card to wallet)
- C. Rising Cards
- The Impromptu Floating Card: Sid Fleishman and Bob Gunther. Balducci levitation for cards!
- The JM Rising Card: Jack McMIllen
Chapter 3: Meeting of the Minds
- Sensitive Fingers: Eugene Bernstein. 5 cards chosen by 3 spectators from 3 piles are revealed by the backs
- Extra Joker Prediction: John Crimmins Jr. Uses dozen blank backed cards
- Bi-Mentalism: Ronald Edwards. Svengali Deck. Written card winds up next to selected card
- Silent Stop: Professor El-Tab. Deck split. 2 specatators pick card and exchange them; they are mixed in. Performer finds the cards.
- DigiVision: Val Evans. 1 card is removed from the deck. The deck stays behind the magician's back, but the card is named.
- In The Mind: Fetsch. Contains the The Fetsch Force
- Spread, Shuffle, Spread: Martin Gardner. Split deck, but not apparent
- Turnabout: Martin Gibson. Interesting red/blue pack discovery
- Coincidence? No. Prevision? Yes: Geroge Kaplan. 2 card decks and one brainwave deck
- PredictoPack: Orville Meyer. Blank back/blank face rough & smooth deck
- The Mental Broadcast: Clayton Rawson. Good build up presentation for subtle discovery
- Peek Deck: Dr. Franklin Taylor. Gimmick deck with 10 ideas
Chapter 4: Potpourri
- Flighty Aces: Lu Brent: Good Switch A Roo trick
- Hallucination: Eddie Clever. 4 cards in one, can't trust what you see
- Telepathic Routine: Maury Kains. Comedy audience ESP
- The King Can Do No Wrong: Gerald Kaufman. Interesting double faced card trick
- The Four Burglars: Sid Lorraine. Needs top change and Erdnase diagonal palm shift
Chapter 5: Pocket Tricks
- Strung: Joseph Barnett. Borrowed ring and prepared string trick
- Ghost Coin & Key: Bobo. Coin changes to a key in the hands
- Paper Napkin Vanish: R.C. Buff. Impromptu
- Paper Money: Milbourne Christopher. Quick impromptu newspaper to dollar bill with coin wand.
- IOU: Paul Curry. Cute flash paper coin transformation
- Ring of Thoth: Nelson Hahne. Ring on handkerchief
- A Hole in One: L. Vosburgh Lyons. 4 cards have hole punched, 3 are restored
- Ghost Coins: George Starke. 5 coins soldered in open format
- Horswagled: George Starke. Miscounted bills, close up
- Materialization: Franklin Taylor. Folding Quarter in clothes pin
- Double or Nothing: J.G. Thompson Jr. Good follow up to the above
Chapter 6: Tricks for the Home
- Vanishing Salt Trick: Jack Chanin.
- Marbles and Marvels: Stanley Collins. Marble manipulation with climax
- The Morris Plan: Chester Morris. Folding 1/2 thru ring in hanky
Chapter 7: Tricks for Home and Stage
- Paper Cone, Silk, & Water: Lu Brent: use Tarbell double cone, cup
- A Ring in Transit: Eddie Clever
- Magnetic Spheres: Mark Jacobs
- The Rise and Fall of Pall Mall: Art Lyle
- Linking Rings: Greer Marechal, Jr. A 4 (5) ring routine using one oversized ring.
- Tear Supreme: Howard D. Wice. Torn & Restored magazine papers
Chapter 8: Stage Effects
- Fountain of Silks: Franklin M. Chapman
- A Flash Opener: Sid Lorraine
- Windsor's Egg Bag Routine: Tommy Windsor
- M.F. Zens Magic Table
- Walk Thru Ribbon Illusion
Chapter 9: Biographical sketches of the contributors
380 pages, illustrations, Softcover.